Kevin C. NeeceKevin C. Neece is the author of the Gospel According to Star Trek series (Cascade Books) and a speaker on media, the arts and pop culture from a Christian worldview perspective. He is also the host of The Gospel According to Star Trek Podcast.
He served as a contributing editor for Imaginatio et Ratio: A Journal of Theology and the Arts and is the editor or co-editor of works on Spock and Leonard Nimoy, and science fiction and C. S. Lewis. His writing has appeared in a number of books and periodicals, including Light Shining in a Dark Place: Discovering Theology Through Film, New Identity Magazine, and Patheos, among others. A former professor, Kevin holds a BAS in Communication and Philosophy and an MLA in Fine Arts. He lives with his wife and son in Fort Worth, Texas. |

“Kevin used Star Trek to explain the ideals of humanity and remind us that being people of faith is not merely about being spiritually minded, but it is also about taking care of our earthly responsibilities. Then I asked him to speak in Klingon. He did. I was impressed. This lecture was easily the highlight of the conference.”
–Adam D. Jones, Writer, Thinking Through Christianity
–Adam D. Jones, Writer, Thinking Through Christianity

“Kevin’s expertise and the quality of work on The Undiscovered Country Project is unmatched.”
–Renea McKenzie, Editor, Thinking Through Christianity
–Renea McKenzie, Editor, Thinking Through Christianity

“Kevin has always had the particular knack of being the most intelligent and eloquent person in the room. His natural abilities as a speaker are balanced only by his compassion for the people around him. His audience immediately connects with him as someone who is being genuine. And in this day and age, I can’t think of a more crucial quality than being genuine.”
–David Hopkins, Award-winning Comic Book Writer/Essayist/Author
–David Hopkins, Award-winning Comic Book Writer/Essayist/Author

“Kevin is a wonderful rethinker and I can attest to his open and inquisitive brain having enjoyed hours of great conversation with him. … You will love him; I just know it."
–Barb Lundgren, Former Owner, Rethinking Education; Former Editor, Home Education Magazine
–Barb Lundgren, Former Owner, Rethinking Education; Former Editor, Home Education Magazine

“Kevin's enthusiasm, tenacity, vision, and imagination are unsurpassed. He embodies the scholarly creative impulse. Audiences are deeply affected by his passion, his understanding, his viewpoints, his love of God and love for learning.”
–David K. Naugle, ThD, PhD, Internationally Recognized Author/Speaker; Distinguished University Professor and Chair of Philosophy, Dallas Baptist University
–David K. Naugle, ThD, PhD, Internationally Recognized Author/Speaker; Distinguished University Professor and Chair of Philosophy, Dallas Baptist University